Coaching - whether executive, leadership or personal - is emerging as one of the fastest growing professional tools. Why? Because, if it’s set up correctly with an experienced, qualified coach, it empowers, motivates and inspires. A number of studies have highlighted its value. One by the ICF (international Coaching Federation) found that 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships and communication skills. 86% of companies say they more than recouped their investment.
Essentially, executive coaching is a time-limited, paid-for, goal-specific, action-orientated, personally tailored approach to learning. It uses feedback and offers some objectivity.
Usually it’s work related and focused on improving performance or behaviour. Our highly qualified and diverse team of personal, executive and leadership coaches have the knowledge and deep experience to help individuals develop rapidly.
We carefully tailor these 1-2-1 interactive sessions to the personal needs and individual goals of each busy executive. We handle each session sensitively, making sure the coachee is entirely comfortable discussing thoughts, ideas and concerns confidentially with an impartial professional. We may use psychometric evaluations to help the coachee better understand themselves, and more effectively tackle any areas they feel need work.
All our solutions are bespoke to your needs. Using our tried & tested unique approach - Less Friction, More Flow℠- we’ll work in partnership with you to ‘oil cogs’, solve frictions, deglitch goals and get your people into flow. In doing this we help you to deliver your strategic aims more effectively.